How to Create a RESTful Web Service in Spring Boot

5 min readMar 11, 2021

If you’d like to know a little about RESTful API or how you can create one in less than 5 minutes using Spring Boot, this article might be all you need to read. This guide will take you through the requirements you need to have before implementing the steps described below.

Let’s say we have two applications that need to communicate — a frontend component and the backend. For communication to work, we need to define a set of rules and mechanisms both of the components know and follow. This set of rules and mechanisms is called an API, short for “application programming interface”. In this article, I’ll use JSON as the format of the data.

API Basic Operations and HTTP Methods

We have four basic operations that form the CRUD concept (Create, Read, Update, and Delete). Each operation uses a different HTTP method:

  • GET for retrieving the data (read operation)
  • POST for creating data (create operation)
  • PUT for updating existing data (update operation)
  • DELETE for deleting data (delete operation)

Of course, you can combine the HTTP methods with the CRUD operations as you wish, somehow we are forced by the business logic not to follow the above table. Just keep in mind that combination represents a best practice.

HTTP Status Codes

We saw the methods responsible for handling the data, but how do we know if the request was successful or failed? Well, let me introduce you to the HTTP status codes! There’s no chance you aren’t familiar with the 404 Not Found or 500 Internal Server Error. These are the status codes, well, just two of them. The list is quite long and we have them split into five categories.

  • 1xx - Informational (e.g. 101 Switching Protocols)
  • 3xx - Redirection (e.g. 301 Moved Permanently)
  • 4xx - Client Errors (e.g. 400 Bad Request, 403 Forbidden)
  • 5xx- Server Errors (e.g. 502 Bad Gateway)

API Design

In REST (representational state transfer), all resources are entities. They can be independent (e.g. retrieve information about an author) or dependent (e.g. retrieve all articles written by an author). Another important thing to mention is the structure of the URL. It’s like a sentence, a command, and it is good structured when you can say what that operation does just from the URL. Let’s take a few examples.

  • GET {hostname}:{port}/api/authors this should retrieve a list of authors on the blog
  • GET {hostname}:{port}/api/authors/2 this should retrieve a single author, the one with the id = 2
  • GET {hostname}:{port}/api/articles this should retrieve a list of articles on the blog
  • GET {hostname}:{port}/api/authors/2/articles this should retrieve a list of articles written by the author with id = 2

The above picture is a screenshot from an application’s documentation. It’s very important for us to document our API and an open-source tool is Swagger. The documentation from the picture was generated automatically in Spring, based on the annotations from a controller.

  • Java 8
  • Maven
  • An IDE (e.g. IntelliJ, Visual Code)

We need to generate our Spring Boot application and to do that we’ll use an awesome tool called Spring Initializr. Fill in the group, artifact, and the name of the application as desired and add the dependencies as shown in the picture. We need Spring Web to create our REST controller. The Lombok dependency is optional, but it helps us get rid of getter, setter, constructors, etc. For example, you can use the @Getter annotation, and it will generate the getters for you. Use @AllArgsConstructor and you won't need to define manually the constructor which takes all parameters and builds the object. Another annotation I'm using frequently is @Builder to generate the builder method.

Generate the project and we’re good to go to the next step.

Let’s create a simple entity Book with a few properties. To do this, I'll create a package called model, and inside I'll create a new Java class called Book.

Notice that I’ve also included the @Builder annotation. This will allow us to create a new Book with the following instruction:

For the controller part, let’s create a new package called controller, and inside we'll create a new Java class called BooksController.

The @RestController is a new annotation introduced in Spring that combines the @Controller and @ResponseBody. The @ResponseBody annotation tells a controller that the object returned is automatically serialized into JSON.

The @RequestMapping tells Spring the endpoint of our resource. That means, our calls will be made to {hostname}:{port}/api/books. In our case, localhost:8080/api/books.

Now let’s add two methods, one that will return a list of all books, and the other one will return only one book, by its title. We don't have a database so we'll mock one.

We now have our database, let’s create the GET methods.

Notice the @GetMapping annotation. This will result in retrieving the list of books when we make the following call: GET /api/books. Also, the ResponseEntity return type is an extension of HttpEntity that adds a HttpStatus status code.

Now, for the second method, the @GetMapping annotation has a parameter "/{title}" which will make every call to GET /api/books/Book 1 to return the book where the title is Book 1.

Also, the getByTitle() function has a parameter of type String called title annotated with @PathVariable("title") which basically will map the title value from the URL to the title parameter of the function.

We should mention @PostMapping, @PutMapping, and @DeleteMapping which will be triggered when the HTTP method is POST, PUT, and DELETE.

The full code for BooksController looks like this:

In the end, the structure of my project looks like this:

Building a REST service using Spring Boot is taking less than five minutes. This type of architecture is widely used across the web, and learning how to create a RESTful API in Spring might be the best starting point for everyone.

